Tel: 07788500410
for Hands
Nicky Cherry, our resident Hand Therapist is now offering a specialist splinting service at Steyning Physiotherapy.
Splinting has multiple functions and is used during conservative management and post-operatively. Its many uses include:-
Pain Relief – Acute Or Chronic i.e. OA/RA Carpal tunnel
Support/Position During Function i.e. nerve palsy
Protection/Immobilisation i.e. post open reduction internal fixation
Prevention/Correction of Deformity i.e. RA
Oedema Control i.e. RA,OA
Maintenance/Restoration of ROM i.e. tendon repair
Scar Remodeling i.e. burns

Initial Appointment
45 mins
60 mins
Follow-up Appointment
45 mins
60 mins
Additional Supplement for Splint Fabrication and fitting
Medium - Hand/Thumb
- Hand/thumb & Wrist/forearm
Large / Resting Splint